Take a dip.
Bring your family for a dip in one of the three refreshing pools located behind the Crew’s Nest on Victory Ave.
Enjoy a full service bar and restaurant while lounging at the pool.
Certified life guards are on duty during the open hours of 11:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week during the season, weather permitting. Changing areas are available along with rest rooms and showers.
Bring your towel and suit and enjoy a warm day in the P.I.B. sun (No cutoffs please).
Water aerobics and exercises will be offered throughout the season.
You must present your membership card to enter the facility as well as sign in at the main entrance. You are welcome to invite your guests ($10 fee per guest will be charged to your account). We appreciate your cooperation.
Children 11 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult.
We reserve the right to assess whether your child is mature and responsible enough to be left at the pool without adult supervision.